
We are a culture and a community.

Linkopolis is a test of a diaspora society, in a inter-connected city, with the physical concept of decentralization; while its center is a project of a seastead.

  • Decentralized (multiple links)
  • Human-centric
  • Immigrants and LGBT support program
  • English and Esperanto courses for different languages.
  • Blood plasma donation program for preventing diseases/viruses
  • Cryonic cemiteries
  • Ethereum economy (own ETH token)
  • UBI (Duniter, with own coin)
  • DAO governance
  • Aragon is a full set for creating Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, and Linkopolis uses it and its apps. Aragon already haves a decentralized space agency using their technology, and now a decentralized city started with Linkpolis.

  • Mesh networks (CJDNS, Yggdrasil)
  • Minimum 1 MBps network speed
  • Open-source hardware and software
  • Distribution of free computing devices
  • Democratic and cheaper proof of existence/copyright
  • Program for fair copyright (digital media with proportional prices to fit individual's own economy)
  • Graphen studies, tests and applications with a incentivization program
  • IoT in houses
  • Personal tokens
  • Civil peace program
  • Aggriculture without agrotoxies
  • Stores/restaurants with veggies, fishes and insects
  • Neighborhood for meal fans (breeding of pigs and chickens)
  • Neighborhood for nerds/geeks
  • Climate-aware
  • Renewed education; with intuitivity, incentives and work opportunities
  • Linkopolis credit card (ETH token, Ethereum, Bitcoin, UBI)
  • Electric cars
  • Roads at tunnels, with subterrain buildings
  • Shared-riding stops
  • Automatic glass protection (rain/wind/sun) on car/bus stops
  • Fair basic medicare
  • These ideas are open for new suggestions, with mention of your work.

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